Five Natural Things You Can Do to Prevent Hair Loss

Five Natural Things You Can Do to Prevent Hair Loss

For many women, hair loss is a common and natural thing. But sometimes, hair loss can come at an alarming rate and have devastating effects. Hair loss can be a way of our body telling us that we need to change our diet or change our hair routine!

If you’ve noticed a significant change in your hairline, loss of volume in your hair, thinning, or a large amount of hair loss, you may want to examine a few aspects of your health and make a few adjustments! There are several natural ways that we can reduce hair loss and even help it grow back stronger than before! We’re going to let you in on our top 5 ways that you can prevent hair loss!

Eat your healthy greens
Healthy fruits and vegetables like berries, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, etc. are all packed with nutrients and vitamins A and C that promote hair growth. Having a healthy, balanced diet helps give your hair the nutrients it needs to grow stronger and stay moisturized to prevent breakage.

Take vitamins daily
Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, C, iron, biotin, zinc, and protein all nourish your scalp and skin and keep your hair shiny and healthy! Taking vitamin and mineral supplements or even hair growth supplements can aid in keeping your hair strong and continuously growing.

Wear your hair down
One of the leading causes of hair loss is constantly wearing your hair up tight. Hairstyles that pull on your hairline can cause hair loss and thinning over time. Avoid wearing these hairstyles all the time and try wearing your hair down and keeping it loose and natural!

Reduce stress
Another leading cause of hair loss is an overabundance of stress. Often resulting in sudden or “patchy” hair loss, stress can be directly linked to hair loss, however, the results are not always permanent. Learning to manage your stress and finding ways to reduce it can help your hair grow back and heal.

Scalp massages
Your scalp naturally produces oils that saturate your roots! Maybe for 10 minutes a day, just do a quick scalp massage to spread the natural oils through your roots to the ends of your hair! A quick scalp massage can help increase the circulation and distribute natural nutrients that help keep your hair strong and healthy!