Hair Loss Self-Care and Mindfulness

Hair Loss, Self-Care & Mindfulness

There are many different leading factors and causes that are linked to hair loss. You may be going through chemotherapy, an autoimmune condition, recovering from an illness (such as COVID-19), or suffering from a lack of Vitamin D! Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients that is absolutely essential for better overall health. It boosts your immune system, strengthens bones, and stimulates hair follicles and overall hair growth!

Vitamin D

There are a number of things that go on in your body when it doesn’t receive enough Vitamin D, one of them being hair loss and alopecia. Research has shown over the years that a Vitamin D deficiency can stunt hair growth and cause hair to fall out in clumps, or can cause spot baldness (alopecia). Vitamin D largely comes from the sun and in the foods that you eat. So if you spend multiple hours a day indoors, wear lots of sunscreen when you’re outside, or eat foods that contain little Vitamin D in them, you may need to look into some Vitamin supplements and try to spend some more time outdoors! Try taking a walk outside on a sunny day for 20 minutes or spend some time near a window if the sun is shining through. Talk to your doctor and see if you need some Vitamin D supplements or multivitamins prescribed.

A natural way that you can monitor and increase your Vitamin D intake is through the foods you eat on a daily basis! Eating a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins can improve your hair health and promote follicle growth. Foods that are high in protein like salmon, eggs, and tuna are packed with Vitamin D. Other foods that you can eat include oatmeal, cereals, orange juice, and milk are fortified with Vitamin D and promote not just healthy hair, but a healthier body.

Self-care and Mindfulness

So what are some other ways that you can take care of your hair on a daily basis? There are hundreds of different tips and oils and shampoos out there that people recommend using, but everybody’s hair is different. For those who are struggling with frequent hair loss or are looking to strengthen their hair, here are a few self-care tips that you can incorporate into your daily and weekly routines!

Regular Washing

At Hairlab Chicago, we recommend washing your hair regularly. Healthier hair starts with the roots and washing your hair daily or every other day can combat against a dry and unhealthy scalp and can help fortify your hair follicles. The key is to use a mild shampoo that is free of harsh chemicals and ingredients (check out CRLABS Trichology Solutions here →

Gentle Hairstyles

Excessive pulling and brushing and tight hairstyles can definitely be a leading cause in why hair is falling out. Constantly playing with hair, brushing it roughly, or constantly blow drying and curling pulls your hair at the roots and doesn’t let your hair breathe. Consider letting your hair air dry after washing and don’t pull it back in tight styles everyday. Let your natural hair shine or consider using heat protectants before you blow dry or style with heat

There are so many tips and tricks to getting healthier hair, and many of them work wonders! But one of the most important things you can do for your hair is to be mindful of it and find out what works best for you. Being constantly stressed and not eating right are also leading factors in why you may be experiencing hair loss. Taking some time to slow down, spending a day outside with your hair down, eating healthy and balanced meals, doing yoga, meditating… take the time to really takecare of yourself and your overall well-being. Healing takes time, it’s a process. But discovering the root of the problem and doing the little daily things to promote your health may change your entire life.