How Does Understanding Epigenetics Help With Hair Loss?

How Does Understanding Epigenetics Help With Hair Loss?

First of all, what is epigenetics?

“Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene function that are heritable and that are not attributed to alterations of the DNA sequence” (Source).

Epigenetics tell us about our cells and how they adapt to change without our actual DNA changing. As we’ve explored in the past, our behaviors and environments have a great impact on our bodies and can drastically change our appearances and mental and emotional health. The same is true with our cells. Research has shown that our bodies can actually modify the expression of our DNA due to any number of environmental factors. When it comes to hair loss and growth, epigenetics play a huge role in determining our hair growth and helping us understand why we experience hair loss.

Epigenetic elements in hair loss

Some people are born with inherited genetics that factor into hair loss. But as we grow older, we can develop symptoms that lead to hair loss through internal and external factors. Some epigenetic causes can be:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Malnutrition
  • Exposure to pollution
  • Stress
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits
  • Smoking
  • Computer screens
  • Loss of circadian rhythm
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Toxins in processed foods

These internal and external stressors can affect the way your genes are expressed. For example, if you eat healthy regularly and stay active in your day to day life, your body is more readily prepared to strengthen your immune system and fight off toxins. On the other hand, having a poor diet and not engaging in physical activity doesn’t give your body the antioxidants and nutrients it needs to stay healthy. This can lead to oxidative stress and elevated ROS which promotes hair loss and excessive thinning.

How can epigenetics help with hair loss?

Not all epigenetic factors are unhealthy. Even if you are born with predisposed genetics, you can create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that can change the expression of your genes. Here are some ways that you can promote a healthier lifestyle that can help your hair growth:

  • Exercise: Get yourself into an exercise routine. Whether it’s through walking or taking fitness classes every week, exercising consistently helps release chemicals in your body that promote hair growth.
  • Nutrition: Maintaining a high protein, low sugar and carb diet can help increase chromatin and absorb multiple vitamins that help strengthen your hair.
  • Mental health: Finding ways to reduce stress and actively resting can help detoxify your body and get rid of harmful chemicals that modify your genes and can reduce hair loss.

Epigenetics offers a new way to heal the human condition. Although we cannot physically change our genetic makeup, we can create long-term benefits for our genes and teach them a new and healthier expression.