
How to Manage Hair Shedding

Does your clothing, pillowcase, or hair brush appear to have more stray hairs than usual?

Don’t panic! Shedding is absolutely normal, and adults typically lose between 50-100 strands daily. If you’re shedding more hair than that, it could be an indication to consult with a professional to rule out underlying conditions, like Telogen Effluvium. Whatever the case may be, there are effective ways to manage shedding.

The team at Hairlab Chicago is here to share our knowledge and expertise in hair and scalp care to address your specific needs!

First off, there are many reasons that shedding may increase. Some examples are: seasonal shedding, health conditions, temporary conditions or situational factors (stress, illness, medication changes, pregnancy, surgery), and harmful routine hair care habits. The good news is that most of these issues will resolve themselves. It’s also important to remember that shedding is a healthy part of the hair growth cycle.

What you can do about shedding

There are some steps you can take to decrease and prevent shedding, starting with your hair care regimen. Minimizing breakage is key to reversing damage and reducing shedding. Some daily hair care activities can result in breakage that causes shedding and impacts overall hair health, such as brushing.

Here’s what you need to know to level up your hair and scalp care routine:

  • Change up brushing & styling habits

Use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush to comb your hair. It’s gentler and doesn’t pull or tug on hair strands like brush bristles do. Also, comb your hair from the bottom up towards the scalp to effectively detangle strands with less breakage. Don’t add more stress to your hair and scalp with tight hairstyles or heat styling tools (ponytails and curls shouldn’t be your go-to style every day). These styling habits pull and dry your hair out, making it brittle and more prone to shedding. That means it’s best to limit them and apply a heat protectant before using hot styling tools. Be gentle when your hair is wet, as it’s more susceptible to damage. Regular bath towels are harsh on the hair, causing friction and shedding – so, try a microfiber towel instead to dry your locks.

  • Eat a healthy, vitamin-rich diet

A healthy diet which includes vital nutrients and vitamins will help improve your hair and scalp health. Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins (like fish), and foods with iron and vitamin C strengthen hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Consider taking multivitamins with iron, biotin, and zinc to keep your hair healthy and strong while supporting new growth.

  • Try scalp treatments

Scalp care is essential to healthy hair and helps prevent shedding. Topical treatments such as moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, creams, and masks protect hair follicles and cuticles by restoring nutrients, resulting in stronger and healthier hair. When washing your hair or trying a new treatment, give your scalp a gentle massage to improve circulation and distribute nutrients evenly.

A healthy scalp is a happy scalp, which leads to healthier hair. By taking care of both your hair and scalp, you’ll notice a reduction in shedding and stronger locks. If you want to enhance your hair care routine, check out our hair care products – like Iridium Restructuring Mask – and Hair & Scalp Care services (your hair will thank you).